Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pickleball So Important to Some That...

...people will move from one community to another. In a CBS Sunday Morning report:

So Sun City is getting a facelift, installing solar panels and updating the rec centers, including the pride of Sun City: a brand new pickleball facility.

"There are people moving here from Sun City West because of the pickleball we have here; it's incredible," said Carol Arinno.

Pickleball, a game played on a shrunken tennis court with paddles and a whiffle ball, has become the fastest-growing sport among retirees. The sun has barely come up in Sun City, and the courts are already packed with players like Larry Klein, who showed Knighton the ropes.

"I was introduced to the game about nine years ago," said Klein. "I lost my first game, just like you did."

"We don't need to say that part," Knighton said.

"It's addictive. I try to play every day. Some things interfere with my pickleball and it doesn't make me happy."

Some of the Fauquier Pickleball Regulars

From left to right: Bob, Steve, Ralph, Donna, Keith, Linda, Jim, Randy.

Friday, May 29, 2015

See Why People Like Pickleball So Much!

Another news report showing the benefits (friendships, physical activity,etc.) of the fastest growing sport in the country. In this case, it's a recreation center up in Cleveland.

Benefits of Pickleball

Good video available here showing the benefits of pickleball, including the camaraderie that it brings (just ignore the part about the family pet, the origins of the sport aren't from a dog named Pickles).

People Take Their Pickleball Seriously (But Not Too Seriously)

Websites, books, apps, a podcast, now even a music video (sort of)!

Warrenton Outdoor Pickleball Schedule

Outdoor pickleball schedule at Auburn Middle School, 7270 Riley Road, Warrenton, is on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 pm to 8 pm, and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 10:30 pm.

Social Play (Not) and Side Stacking

Pickleball is a social game - you generally don't see a whole lot of anger on the court, mainly because everyone is looking to have some fun and not worry about the number of wins (everyone keeps score, so there are winners and losers, but I have yet to see anyone get upset).

Now there's an odd rule that says (or rather doesn't say) where the server's partner must stand. In the below video, you'll see what is known as side stacking. "When stacking, often you will see both players on the same side of the court during their serve, after which the server will move over to the other court. Used in receiving you’ll sometimes see the proper receiver return the ball and make a run, diagonally, towards the opposite kitchen line."

Typically stacking is used when one player is a lefty. If you don't side stack, the middle is open to two backhands; stacking allows players to get in position for two forehands down the middle line. It's also used when one player has a particular good (or great) forehand.

The video below has both side stacking, in addition to, well, an anti-social game. They seem pretty angry; however, keep in mind, this is a tournament game and not a Saturday morning "who's up?" game.

The video also has some poaching - aggressively going after the ball. The guy in the white shirt may be referred to as a poacher (even in the comments, someone refers to him as a 'court hog').

 Now the video is nearly an hour (you don't need to watch that much to get the gist), but when the guy in the white shirt and the lady in the yellow shorts switch sides, you will see a better example of stacking. Both sides stack, but the aforementioned duo seem to do it more often - go 25 minutes for the side change.
A great way to learn about pickleball! Fauquier County Parks and Recreation requested that we conduct two pickleball clinics! Clinics will be held on Monday, July 6, and Wednesday, July 8, 9:00 am to 11:00 am each day (rain dates will be Monday, July 13, and Wednesday, July 15). Location: Auburn Middle School, 7270 Riley Road, Warrenton.

Yes, This Is Fauquier Pickleball...

...but there is also a site dedicated to pickleball in the Commonwealth! Virginia Pickleball has all the information about tournaments, rules, and places to play pickleball throughout Virginia.

And You Know It's Getting Popular When...

...there's a podcast. The Pickleball Show is a pretty good podcast about both recreational and competitive pickleball. Tips, tournaments, and even myths are covered. One of the more recent episodes covers the serve, one of the more confusing aspects of the sport.

Pickleball News Clip

This clip was over a year ago, but it gives an indication on how the sport is growing.